
Coworking Blenio exfabrica

A Coworking space where you don’t expect it: at exfabrica Blenio!


Coworking Space with many activities, including training courses, events, accomomodation. It used to be a famous factory, and has now been gentrified into a space for artists and professionals.Service include various options, among which cultural/art premises, events venue, classrooms. 

Call now: +41 91 9666355 

Cell/WhatsApp: +39.335/64.78.989

INFO • Auditorium • Classrooms • Art gallery • Wide spaces for events • Residential accomodation • Garden • Car parking

COMMUNITY • Coworking community with different professionals from the creative and artistic industries, consultants, managers, freelancers. Coworking Manager: Davide Proverbio.

NETWORK • The Ticino Chocolate Factory in Blenio is part of the Rete COWO® Coworking Network. The project, founded in 2008, aggregates over 100 spaces and a professional community of 20,000 entrepreneurs, freelancers, independent workers.

