Here are all Cowo® Coworking spaces. Welcome!

Discover all Cowo® Coworking and find the perfect one that satisfies all your needs. We are all at your service!

Coworking Rome Colli Albani Caffarella

LARGE COWORKING SPACE IN ALBA (CUNEO) • With brand new location, set-up and furniture. It offers a wide variety of Coworking services. Large training room and event spaces available.

Coworking Rome Tecnopolo

COWORKING SPACE IN ROME TECNOPOLO TIBURTINO • Cowo® located in Tecnopolo Tiburtino a very important hi-tech hub, with severals workstations, private offices, meeting and training rooms.

Coworking Rome via della Pisana

COWORKING ROMA PISANA • Shared desks and education room available. Coworking easily reachable by car and bus.

Coworking Rome City Center

COWORKING SPACE IN ROMA CENTRO • Workstations, private offices, meeting rooms in a very centrale and easily reachable area.

Coworking Pomezia

COWORKING SPACE IN POMEZIA • Availability of all Coworking services, on 900 square meters: workstations, private offices, meeting rooms. Free car parking.

Coworking Rome Aurelia

COWORKING SPACE IN ROME AURELIA • Cowo® located in the Massimina / Casal Lumbroso area, with workstations, private offices, meeting and training rooms.

Coworking Casal Palocco Rome

COWO® COWORKING SPACE IN ROME CASALPALOCCO - OSTIA LIDO AREA • Conveniently located near the Via del Mare/Via Cristoforo Colombo area, with independent offices, workstations, meeting-rooms and training-rooms. Free parking in front of the Coworking space.