Coworking Agrate Brianza Centrifuga Lab
A very well equipped space with workstations and a meeting room!
In Agrate Brianza a very well equipped coworking with workstations and a meeting room/training room. The space is even available for events and workshop (up to 30 people).
Call now: +39 3519416288
Cell/WhatsApp: +39 3519416288
INFO • Workstations • Meeting room • Little kitchen • Space available for events
COMMUNITY • Professional Community with architects, consultants and freelancers. Coworking Manager: Alessandro Arosio.
NETWORK • COWO® Agrate Brianza Centrifuga Lab is part of the Rete COWO® Coworking Network. The project, founded in 2008, aggregates over 100 spaces and a professional community of 20,000 entrepreneurs, freelancers, independent workers.